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hello, chanwanting♥ here. 22yo this year. a gal who is trying hard to change herself to get a better life..

Exam Time Table

Bituwin - template
Dementee - image

Words from Before It's Too Late by Goo Goo Dolls.

Hit counter code here

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i step into mos burger for the very first time today at ard 930pm! thanks to yong guang and joan. ahahs.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

FREAK! I HATE THIS YEAR'S CNY!! putting away the project matter, it's the memories.

passing by...
the mac i went with him and lied to my dad
the playground i walked pass with him and boast how well i can swing
the path i went to meet him at AMKHub on the last day of school before my dad fetched me from there
the monkeybar i lied down with him and count the numbers of windows and doors on a MRT everytime one pass by us
the bench i sat with him quietly the day before o level results were released
the staircase i hid with my friend and he will look for me there too
the field i went kicking a water bottle and he saw me from the studyroom
the house i went visiting and sms-ing like there is no tomorrow, using even my mum's phone and my bro's phone and my grandpa's phone
the signboard of the jap restarant i went to eat with him and a few more friends, putting lots of chilli pepper and having fun

everytime i pass by his sch, i hope to see him, even if it's only a glimpse.
everytime i go to mac, i'll rmb my frens' mocking but still proudly and honestly said that they were only lunch meetings with a normal friends
everytime i see a MRT, i'll still count the numbers of windows and doors.
everytime i go to AMKHub, i'll rmb the time he walked with me to look for my bro's present
everytime i take an MRT, i'll think of the reasons of me taking mrt from BB to clementi and bishan to newton.

ytd, as i sms one of my friend, also the whole day, my mind was full of all the "why why why"
why isnt the person i sms-ing u?
why u dont want to reply me?
why u dont want to talk to me?
why is it so difficult to forget u?

if only things get different.


Sunday, January 25, 2009

(: happy chinese new year eve everyone

super no cny atmosphere. but, it's still cny, so as usual, steamboat tonight, leftover food tml morning. stilll think of my work. all the project and test coming up. super duper wuper sian. and and and. my 5944 combo ytd ):


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sparkswind! (: they are all so so pro.

yup, that's me. weird? lol. i am in skirt leh~~

my zhu zhu (:

ho ho, it's me again! in blk 53 toilet.

Grace and i

Christine and i
okay. iac is giving three of us headache. i am so glad to be in evelyn's group for the other projects cos she is a super duper effective and efficient leader. hahas. i rmb telling her she is very fierce. anyway, exam is coming soon. so, i should start revision because i am always not listening during lecture =x crap. i want my swim, i have been eating a lot! wed was fun yet tiring. thank u gals for being so hardworking and willing. hahas.
y is it that i dont like him?! or is it cos everytime he come find me, 90% will befor playing? "jiejie, i wanna play psp" "jiejie, i wanna lay ps2" "jiejie, i going to play tabletennis" "jiejie, i going to swim" "mama, i wanna buy clothes (this that this that)" it is so irritating. like, hey, can u tell me "jiejie, i going to study hard" or "jiejie, i'll get a band 1 for ____" instead?! gimme good results, everything also okay. gimme shit results and yet asking for things like bball is totally out. how come he cant understand?! sigh. i am so tired. i dont wanna teach, i dont wanna care, but who is there to help him if i really back out one day?! rely on the tuition teacher? rely on korkor (can go slp le) ?!
treasure ur friends, treasure ur family, treasure each day.
home at 6pm today. i am so glad. cos i realise it's been a long time since i have dinner with my grandparents. but the problem is, today grandma fried bee hoon. no need sit tgt to eat =.= sickening. but nvm, i am sick of rice anyway. two bowls of rice for today lunch. all the auntie's fault la.
he sucks

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

shit. i pon lecure again. =x. LOL.


Friday, January 16, 2009

if this is the FUCKING mindset you have in the FUCKING brain in ur head,
just FUCKING move out of your house to a FUCKING isolated place where there is nobody to bother u!
everyone will heck u! no one give a FUCKING care of your life.
if u never learn to appreciate and teach ur SIBLINGS, just stop all the FUCKING complains.



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

darling (: i love her...

lol. buddha.

drey, me, elisse

elisse and i

k. photos are here ... i am so so tired. i feel so cold. i wanna slp, i wanna wrap myself i my blanket. i wanna have a long long slp.and i want him.

sometimes i think i miss him too much... but i really do miss him...


Saturday, January 10, 2009

added someone into my poly list. sorry to him! =x sry sry!

p.s: i saw a freaking handsome guy today!!!!


Monday, January 5, 2009

there is one person whom i missed out.

jiejie: leeinn jiejie! i am soory. (: u are the first jiejie i have(other than my cousin). i love chatting with u. cos u are really a jiejie. i will keep my promise and finish teaching u swimming. free style and breast stroke. i'll try my very best and make sure u can swim properly without help (: jiejie, i hwish u all the best in ur studies. and pls! dont keep falling sick. stay healthy forever. muacks! i love u!


Sunday, January 4, 2009

let's continue from the previous post ^^

jane: hey u! lol. miss tom yam? miss meatballs? miss me? haha. tho we may not be meeting that often now, but we are still buds. best buds. sister! LOL. ah boo boo. we will go movie movie again, sitting in a couple seat without any arm-rest in between us. LOL. den surrounded by couples who are hugging each other. 友谊万岁!

shiwei: lesbo... i miss u so much! lol. i rmb u came all the way to np to study with me. den make a few new frens. lol. ok la. maybe only joan closer to u. BUT! still frens (: and and, i am so looking forward to my birthday present. thank u for those days in e4/1. lol. i really miss them. dua neh bu! =D

poly frens:
joan> LOL. she's one of my darling.
nicolette> she is... the most high person i met in poly. lol.
audrey> my love rival. =x
elisse> mad one. high high high. best in music.
evelyn> my smartest fren
grace> lol. obasan. =x her voice makes me laugh everytime.another of my darling.
dao kia> the dumbass who is always there arguing with me. the anime no.1 fan.
chan lin> my lao bei. joan's ahem ahem. LOL.
yew choong> the "not-very-sociable" one
leslie> the "always-welcome-to-my-house" fren.
chee chye> my ahem ahem! LOL. my crabby crab crab!
yong kian> the smart challenger guy.
pan> smart smart guy. always there to help.
TA07/08 'oct 07> we rock, dont we? LOL.

joan: darling ah. lol. dont keep complaining u with me will grow fat le. i am just helping all the guys who wanna chase u. u are simply too skinny. so u just diam diam, eat my share and let me slim down k? lol. u are smart, so work hard and dont stress urself out. cos it will cost u more! PIMPLES! =x okok. hahas. dont kill me. i am just reminding u. thank u for those memorable days in life-saving lesson. i am glad i had u for my partner. thank u so much. muacks!

nicolette: gal, smile more. ur smile is beautiful (: and from this year onwards, pls, stop saying i am cute =.= cos i am NOT. k?! dont copy him. he say i cute u jiu believe. dont like that! lol u deserve a better life. so dont fret over family matter. things will get better. just make sure u are always in the right attitude and mindset. u start the change, and they will too, one day. k? no matter wad, i am always here for u. thank u for those times u make me laugh and realise that u are actually a great person to talk to. 敞开你的心房,接受别人的帮助。我会一直在这里,只要你需要人,一通电话、一封简讯,我一定会帮你。i love u gal!

audrey: 我的情敌!lol. he is mine! i'll always remember the 1st time i group with u in bcomm. LOL. i bet u have forgotten. anyway, u are a fren i dont wanna lose in the future. so.. frens forever k? lets love lzx forever! forget about jerry. LOL. thank u! (:

evelyn: hey. jy in ur studies! i know u are studying very hard. lol. u can do it (: frens forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: did u realise we are always in the same group for projects? lol. thank u for the help and patience. u are a great leader.

grace: darling ah darling. u make me very scare of u.LOL. always call me means got favour. LOL.k la. jk. u can still find me. but still the same answer, no promise (: thank u for the Mac. lol. i owe u a meal k? same IS class and project group for one whole year is such a good feeling (: i love u!

[i believe the guys in my list wont visit my blog... so.. that's all for poly frens!]

primary school frens who are still in contact with me:
pei rong> the tall gal i'll nv be able to catch up in height. lol.
john tan> always too busy to chat.
boon long> back soon for NS! lol. with the baby face.

did i miss out anyone imjportant??? i hope not! but no matter important or not, i LOVE everyone! please stay happy and HEALTHY!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

a new year, a new start. (: there are lots of people i want to thank.. but there are simply too many, i'll start with a few first. no more important or less important, everyone is the same. <3>

korkor: i dont know if u'll come and visit my blog, but u ever do, i'm here to say thank u. honestly, i think that u have changed a lot ever since u went for ns, ur character, the way you look at stuff and ur mindset. different and difficult to catch. i may not like it, but what can i do den to accept? maybe it's a growing process. maybe, ur godsis(s) and bro(s) may even know u more than i do, but no matter what, i, ur meimei, will always be here, when u need a listening ear, when u just want to rant rant rant and vent ur fustration out. i hope the relationship between u and yt can get better. he is ur didi, ur one and onlyyounger bro. treasure him kor.

Janice: hey gal. i miss the days we have tuition tgt with joy too. tho joy may not be contacting us the often nowsdays, she's still part of us, right? lol. u are one of my best fren, who is always there to encourage me to move on. a smart, caring, gentle fren of mine. i wish u all the best for ur studies. and we're frens forever!

Sec sch frens (i list out la, too many to write one by one):
1) sujia > same pri, same sec. (:
2) valerie > also same pri, same sec! (:
3) jane > best "butts"! (:
4) xuanyi > my dear partner in sec 4. (:
5) shiwei > my dear lesbo! never fails to make me laugh, even till now (:
6) felix > the HK guy (:
7) jason > the ncc guy (:
8) sean > my sec 3 partner (:
9) EVERYONE IN E4/1! > u people rock!! (:
10) ALL THE TEACHERS > u teachers are pro! our batch made a history. haha! (:

to be continue ...... poly frens
